OPPORTUNITY- Polish language course for foreigners 2024
Robert Ainebyon | Posted on |

The course starts on 1 October 2024 and ends on 30 June 2025. It is divided into two semesters. Classes are held from Monday to Friday for 5-6 hours a day. Total number of hours: 750.
Deadline for applications: August 31, 2024. Places are limited in number.
Participants are divided into groups depending on their level of Polish language proficiency – levels A1-A2, B1, B2, C1. Besides an intensive course of Polish, we offer additional specialist courses in such subjects as maths, history, geography (depending on candidate’s needs). The course ends in the summer session with the final examinations. Course participants are awarded certificates of attendance including their examination results and they apply individually for enrollment to further university studies.
All classes are held at the main building of CJKP, ul. Weteranów 18, Lublin.
Besides having classes our students can take advantage of the wide range of cultural, tourist and sports activities. Under the supervision of teachers they can practice sports, participate in trips and tours, walk regularly to the philharmonic hall and theatre.
The fee for the course is EUR 2 400 per person and only includes the cost of tuition. The fee does not include accommodation, meals, insurance, tourist programme etc. Payments for the course are to be made to the Centre’s account prior to the beginning of the course.
Upon payment of the course fee the candidates will receive confirmation of enrollment (acceptance letter), which is also the basis for a visa application. Before transferring the fee you should get detailed information on visa requirements from the nearest Polish Consulate in your country of residence to prevent last minute problems.
Accommodation (extra paid) available on request. The Centre provides accommodation places for foreign students in 4 student residence halls. All of them are situated within an easy walking distance from our School (5-7 minutes). The fees vary depending on the standard of the room (from 555 to 690 PLN per month).
Further details at this link
Originally Authored by – Ewelina Mitkowska-Musiatewicz