Robert Ainebyon | Posted on |

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are beginning the 80th anniversary of the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University. For our academic community, this is a special anniversary and a reason to be proud. On the one hand, the celebrations will enable us to emphasise the role of the heritage of our University and the people who make it up, and on the other hand, they will certainly make us reflect on what is yet to come.
The jubilee year will begin on 19 January with a unique symphonic concert at the Lublin Philharmonic Hall with the participation of the UMCS Academic Choir and the famous Argentinian composer Martín Palmeri. We will be celebrating all year, but the celebrations will culminate in October. This will include the inauguration of the academic year, combined with a meeting of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities and a meeting of rectors associated in the prestigious Alliance for European Universities consortium ATHENA, of which the UMCS has been a member since 2022.
As part of the jubilee, we will also award an honorary doctorate to a prominent researcher, and present medals to people of merit to the University. A jubilee alumni reunion combined with a ball is also awaiting us. Celebrating the University’s 80th anniversary, we have also planned a Marie Curie Congress to reflect internationally on the inspiration behind the slogan ‘Innovation is female’ for science, business, culture and public service.
In addition, there will be the premiere of a musical and literary performance about Marie Curie-Skłodowska entitled ‘The Elements of Life’ at the Academy. “The Elements of Life” at the Chatka Żaka Academic Centre for Culture and Media of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, as well as concerts: “Amadeus” Polish Radio Chamber Orchestra conducted by Agnieszka Duczmal and the Henryk and Dorota Miśkiewicz ensemble.
As part of the celebrations, from January to December there will also be accompanying events organised by the faculties and units of the University. During the many different initiatives we will present the various areas of our activity, draw attention to the University’s contribution to Polish and world science, and show the ideas and values that guide us. After all, every year of the University’s history is a remarkable story of inspiring individuals who, through determination and passionate work, have changed and continue to change our world for the better.
I encourage the members of our academic community to create this beautiful jubilee. Let us celebrate this wonderful celebration of the University together!
With Jubilee Greetings
Radosław Dobrowolski
Rector of UMCS